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Showing posts from December, 2015

best fair color home made tips

 How to fair color:        Easy Fair color way in ways in winter: It is not easy to fair color as there are many creams available in the market which claims that they can fair your color in a week. Well it is not like that it depends which type of skin you possess. On the other hand it depends on the damage which has been done by you on your skin. Most of the creams available in the market can also damage your skin because of chemicals present in them. In this case , natural ways of improving the skin color can play very important part in this case. As the natural ways are home remedies and prepared by yourself and you use natural herbs and they always have good effect on the skin. Keeping this in mind, I am providing you the homemade natural remedies for improving the skin color in this article. The color of our body gets dark due to exposure to sun heat as spending much time outside can also damage our skin color. Scientifically, it is provide sun rays produce melanin whic

best homemade remedies for pink lips in winter in Urdu

How to make make lips pink and beautiful in winter: In winter season lisp get dry and become some what black most of the time. Here in this article I am giving you the secret tips through which you can make your dull and dry lisp beautiful, pinkish and full of life. These easy homemade remedies for lips in  the winter season. You just need to use one of these remedies and make Pink lips in the winter season. The best to protect the lips in the winter season it keep hydrated them. If you drink sufficient amount of water. It will keep you hydrated and your lips will not get dry and dull in the winter season. Take petals of rose of five to six flowers, then put them in sufficient amount of milk. After this mix them well, After the process of mixing put honey in them and then mix them. The amount of honey you can take about 2 table spoon. Now use this mixture on your lips and massage your lips with that mixture before sleeping at night. Take lemon juice put honey and glycerin

Dandruff removal home made remedies in urdu

Dandruff Removal homemade Remedies: In the season of winter dandruff is the most bitter enemy which every one face. Every one wants to get rid of this dandruff. Dandruff is one of the main factors which remove your overall personality. In this regard, there are many Shampoo in the market which claim to remove the dandruff but below are given some best homemade remedies which can really help you in finishing or removing dandruff in winter especially.

Reduce weight and belly fat with home remedy in urdu

How to Reduce Belly Fat Easily: Weight and belly fat can be easily decreased easily with home made remedies.Here are some home made remedies given which can easily help you in reducing weight and belly fat.  These home made remedies are given below in Urdu language.

crack heels home made remedy winter beauty tips

Make Cracked Heels Beautiful:  Cracking of heel is very much common problem. There are lots of creams available in the market for this regard but they some time may suit you but they are not the permanent solution for the cracking heels. In this there is homemade remedy which can be easily made in home and easily in usage. Straight way, you will feel the difference in your cracking heels. The method for healing the cracking heels is given below: Cracked heels solutions: The second method is very much easier and can be easily done in the home for curing the cracked heels. In this remedy, take any face wash soap keep it in some water till it becomes as soft as cream. Then put glycerin in that soap which is now soft. Then mix both of the properly. Keep this mixture in glass bottle. Use this mixture on your cracked heels in morning, noon and before sleeping at night. You may also apply this mixture on your hands and feet as well. You can easily heal your cracked heels

Winter beauty tips for girls in urdu

Beauty Tips for Girls in Urdu:  Beauty Tips in Urdu: Beauty Tips: Winter beauty Tips for Girls: Here some Beauty tips are given which are in Urdu: These beauty tips are home made beauty tips specially for the winter season. By applying these tips you can have pleasant affect on your skin in the winter season as these are one of the best winter beauty tips.

Winter beauty tips for girls and boys

Beauty Tips: Winter beauty Tips for Girls: These beauty tips are home made beauty tips specially for the winter season. By applying these tips you can have pleasant affect on your skin in the winter season as these are one of the best winter beauty tips.