How to fair color: Easy Fair color way in ways in winter: It is not easy to fair color as there are many creams available in the market which claims that they can fair your color in a week. Well it is not like that it depends which type of skin you possess. On the other hand it depends on the damage which has been done by you on your skin. Most of the creams available in the market can also damage your skin because of chemicals present in them. In this case , natural ways of improving the skin color can play very important part in this case. As the natural ways are home remedies and prepared by yourself and you use natural herbs and they always have good effect on the skin. Keeping this in mind, I am providing you the homemade natural remedies for improving the skin color in this article. The color of our body gets dark due to exposure to sun heat as spending much time outside can also damage our skin color. Scientifically, it is provide sun rays produce melanin whic
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